Victory Cup Polo Match

Ever been to a polo match? Me neither. That was until two weeks ago when I was in NYC. Emily had scored tickets to the Victory Cup on Governors Island and asked if I wanted to go. I figured, "why not?" Honestly, I am a little mad at myself for not attending a match sooner. I mean, it is pretty much the perfect sport for me -- it's all about the fashion, food, and booze... and cute horses of course.

I have to admit I know zero about polo, but the pre-match drinking, eating, and socializing was a blast. And surprisingly, I even enjoyed watching the game. But, my favorite part was when I got to live out my Pretty Woman fantasy (minus the hooker part) and stomp the divots on the field. They even let us pet the horses and pose with them for pictures, like I said, my kind of sport.

Since the match was in late September, I was at a loss for what to wear. Dressing in head-to-Lilly didn't seem seasonally appropriate for New York in the fall (Florida yes, New England no). I ended up wearing this comfortable and cute pink WAYF dress. I should have not worried about being seasonally appropriate, because nobody else was. Most people wore lots of Lilly, Vineyard Vines, and Jack Rogers. My look was definitely a bit edgier, but I still loved it.

These types of dresses are a wardrobe staple for me. And whenever I see one I like at a good price, I pounce. I like that you can dress them up or down and where them to work or on the weekend. The flowy shape makes it comfortable while the elastic waist still gives you some shape and makes it figure flattering. You also can't beat the price of this dress.

What would you wear to a polo match?

PS - that close-up horse pic I snapped cracks me up.


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